Pre-Arts Studies

PRE-ARTSThe Pre-Arts program is a combination of arts and music courses dedicated to students who want further exposure in that field. After Arts Foundation, Intro to Painting, Drawing, and Photoshop, we offer AP Art Studio 2D, and AP Drawing. Through these courses, students are given the opportunities to explore various processes, materials, and techniques in 2D and 3D. They are introduced to the history of Arts. Students will also develop skills and concepts in drawing and painting acrylics, as well as have the chance to enhance photographs and work with graphic elements.

At the end of each year, our students’ masterpieces are celebrated through a yearly Art Exhibition that takes place either on or outside the school premises. You can check some of their work on the ISAS Calendar.

For the music enthusiasts, we offer a wide range of music courses, such as Music Appreciation, Music composition and Jazz. Through these courses, students can deepen their understanding of music as they listen to classics from the different periods in history. They will also identify different musical instruments and pieces.

We have also equipped a recording studio for our students to bring to life what they have mastered. Students who take these courses will have a clear idea on where their passion lies and use this experience as a step towards future steps.

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